Pastoral Visit of the Bishop
What happens during the pastoral visit of the Bishop?
"The pastoral visit is an apostolic endeavour, an event of grace."
(Directory of Bishops)
Canon Law 396.1: "A bishop is obliged to visit the diocese annually either in whole or in part, so that he visits the entire diocese at least every five years either personally or, if he has been legitimately impeded, through the coadjutor bishop, an auxiliary, vicar general, episcopal vicar, or another presbyter."
Goals of the Pastoral Visit
- To come into personal contact with the priests, deacons, secretaries, lay pastoral assistants, youth ministers, and lay people responsible for various areas of the pastoral life of the parish.
- To become acquainted with the reality of the environment, the socio-economic condition of the people, the current pastoral programs, and the overall functioning of the parish.
- From a faith perspective, to look at the parish community in its main components : faith education at all ages, sacramental and liturgical life, the sense of community, co-responsibility and leadership, service to society, the relationship of the parish with the diocesan and universal Church; financial organization and the state of recordkeeping of sacramental registers and other archival material.
- To bring encouragement and hope to those involved in pastoral work and to all the people of the parish.
- To celebrate the Eucharist, to proclaim the Word of God and to preach with the parish community.
- To make known the pastoral priorities of the diocese and to foster a sense of belonging to the diocesan Church.
Structure of the Pastoral Visit
Duration: Typically, the Bishop's Pastoral Visit lasts three days from Friday morning to Sunday afternoon.
Friday morning is spent visiting the Catholic institutions of the parish, notably the Catholic schools. The Bishop meets with administrative staff, student councils, chaplains, teachers, students and parents. Meanwhile, the Bishop's delegate for the Pastoral Visit will meet with parish staff to review parish records. Institutions such as hospitals and nursing homes may be visited on Friday afternoon.
On Saturday, the Bishop holds consecutive meetings with all of the groups responsible for the material and spiritual needs of the parish. This includes those involved in liturgical ministeries, the Parish council and the Finance Committee, etc. The Bishop then celebrates the Vigil Mass and preaches.
The Bishop celebrates and preaches at all of the Sunday Masses and concludes the pastoral visit by meeting with the clergy.