Parish Ministry
Catechism of the Catholic Church - 874 "Christ is himself the source of ministry in the Church. He instituted the Church. He gave her authority and mission, orientation and a goal. In order to shepherd the People of God and to increase its numbers without cease, Christ the Lord set up in his Church a variety of offices which aim at the good of the whole body. The holders of office, who are invested with a sacred power, are, in fact, dedicated to promoting the interests of their brethren, so that all who belong to the People of God . . . may attain to salvation."
Altar Servers
To serve at the altar for liturgical celebrations is a great opportunity to increase your faith and knowledge of the Sacrifice of the Mass. The Sacrifice of the Mass is the greatest event in the world and your job as an altar server is to assist the priest so that Sunday Mass runs smoothly and parishioners can pray and worship better and with less distraction.
In order to be an altar server, you must be a practicing Catholic, a boy or girl 9 years of age or older and must attend the provided training sessions at your parish.
Adult Funeral Servers
To serve at funerals in the parish. Adult altar servers assist the celebrant wherever possible during the funeral liturgy.
Music Ministry
Music, a gift and a blessing from God, has played a very important role in Catholic Liturgy for the past two thousand years. The Bible resounds with praise and thanks to God through music. In the Old Testament music played a number of different roles, including assisting in the memorisation of God's truth and in reminding God's people of their fallenness and salvation. In the New Testament God's people gather together to express their praise to him and to build one another up in the faith. A rich variety of music that is in harmony with the ministry of God's word is a significant part of the life of the church and points towards the role of music in our praise of God in heaven.
Traditional Choir
To provide music for liturgies. Must be able to sing in tune. A weekly practice and a commitment to attend assigned services is required.
Folk Choir
To provide music for liturgies. Must be able to sing in tune. A weekly practice and a commitment to attend assigned services is required. Ability to play a musical instrument is desirable
Children's Liturgy of the Word
During some Sunday Masses in parishes, programs in the liturgy of the Word for Children who are in kindergarten right up to grade 4 are offered. The Children leave the Mass for the Liturgy of the Word and come back in time for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This program usually runs from the end of September until the end of June.
Baptism Preparation Team
The team assists the parents of children about to be baptized. The Wednesday before the Sunday of Baptism, a meeting is held to review the sacrament, including reflection, questions and a short video. Members of the preparation team assist at the Baptisms, which are held on the third Sunday of the month at 12:30 pm.
First Reconciliation and First Communion Preparation Team
Children in Grade 2 prepare for this important sacrament through parental instruction. Parents meet with the team to help them guide their children in preparation for the First Reconciliation in February and First Communion which is received in May. The children participate in a half day retreat.
Confirmation Preparation Team
Volunteers assist the young people of the parish as they prepare for Confirmation. Meetings are held one evening per month from September to the next spring. In addition, students participate in an enrolment ceremony, a commitment ceremony and a one-day retreat. Students are also asked to complete a service project and a saint's name project. During this period, parents also meet as a group.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Minitsers assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. The ideal candidates for this ministry are adult parishioners who are properly instructed and distinguish themselves by their Christian faith and life.
Ministers of the Word (Lectors)
Ministers of the Word proclaim Scripture and the the Prayers of the Faithful for liturgical celebrations, primarily Sunday Mass. Ministers of the Word must be baptized, practicing Catholics of high school age and older. Public speaking skills are required. This ministry requires ongoing commitment to study and prayer with the Word of God.
Church Decoration Committee
Volunteers are required to design, display and provide on-going care for decorations, mainly floral, which are used for regular liturgies and special occasions. A working knowledge of, and skills for, both fresh and artificial materials is required. Time commitment varies, with the Christmas and Easter seasons being especially busy.