Special Collections
Throughout the year, in addition to weekly offerings to their local parish, Catholics of the Diocese are asked to support worthy initiatives through a second or special collection. These collections are approved by the diocese. The following is information on how the funds are used.
The Pope's Pastoral Works
A disastrous flood or earthquake strikes a nation at the other end of the world. Immediately many countries rush in food, medicine, blankets, money, and trained people. Prominent among such aid is the financial help offered by the Holy Father to people in need. The annual Pope's Pastoral Works collection makes these funds available for distribution. In the name of Catholics everywhere, he displays Christ's love and compassion for those who suffer.
Lenten Charities
The Bishops of Canada have reserved the Season of Lent for a collection to assist the Global South. Normally this collection is held on the Fifth Sunday of Lent. There are two options for this assistance to the Global South:
- Development and Peace - Founded and mandated in 1967 by the Bishops of Canada, and now a member of the Caritas International network of Catholic agencies, the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace financially supports development and aid projects in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and the Caribbean as well as informs Canadian Catholic on international social justice questions.
- Other Lenten Charities - The Bishop uses the funds generated through this collection at Lent to support needs in the Global South as well as urgent needs internationally and nationally.
Needs of the Church in the Holy Land
This annual Good Friday appeal dates back to 1421 and the pontificate of Pope Martin V, to recognize the grave responsibility Catholics throughout the world have to support Christians in the Holy Land, the birthplace of Christianity, with prayers and material help. Funds are used for the upkeep of the sanctuaries and to help with Pastoral work, Catholic Schools and social assistance in the Holy Land.
Priest Benefit Fund
The purpose of the Priest Benefit Fund is to ensure that the retired and sick priests of the diocese receive an allowance each month to supplement the federal pension and to provide a nominal health insurance plan.
Priests in retirement or on sick leave are helped every month through your generosity.
Your continued support for the annual Diocesan Priest Benefit Fund collection during the month of June and throughout the year is appreciated. Additionally, please consider supporting the Priest Benefit Fund financially through your financial planning and/or the designation of your estate.
This special collection usually takes place on two successive Sundays in July. The fund generated from this collection are used for pastoral priorities in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Peterborough.
Catholic Missions in Canada
Commonly known as "the shared collection". Funds are split equally between these two mission groups for the promotion of gospel values. Catholic Missions In Canada, founded in 1908, fosters and extends the blessings of the Catholic faith by supporting missions in regions of our country where the population is too small, or the economic situation of the community is too fragile for the people themselves to support their local Church and its ministry. Scarboro Missions, formerly the Scarboro Foreign Mission Society, founded in 1918, is involved in mission work overseas. Today, Scarboro priests and lay missionaries work side by side and in cooperation with other mission groups all over the world as they seek to serve in creative and new endeavours where the Gospel has not been heard, to encounter and celebrate God's presence in the life, history, culture and faiths of those they meet, to live simply and in solidarity with the poor and marginalized people of the world. This Special Collection does not occur on an annual basis.
Needs of the Church in Canada
Each year the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops is asked to speak out, give leadership, or provide guidelines for the faithful on a wide variety of topics. In order for our Bishops to be able to make proper judgments on modern topics, they must have the benefit of research and expert advice. Research and gathering information require staff, time, and money. Finding ways to provide channels to the Bishops from the people of God and ways of disseminating the thinking of the Bishops to the people of God also requires resources. Through the yearly Bishops' collection for the needs of the Church in Canada, an appeal is made to all Catholics to be generous in supporting the work of their Bishops. In addition to contributions, we are also asked to pray for the work of the Bishops and to participate in and cooperate with the various projects of the CCCB.
Evangelization of Nations - World Mission Sunday
It is the responsibility of all believers to spread the Gospel. Pastors should encourage people to deepen their realization that every Christian shares in the mission of the Church and that they should become more involved in today's missionary work. Guidance in this area is found in the Second Vatican Council document on the Church's missionary activity. This national collection is given to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith who distributes the funds to every mission bishop to assist in the day to day expenses of operating the diocese as well as special projects, such as building churches/chapels, healthcare clinics, the training and support catechists.
Camp Northern Lights
Camp Northern Lights provides youth and young adults with a faith-based experience of community and leadership in a setting surrounded by the beauty of creation. The Camp is supported by the faithful through a special collection and ongoing gifts of support. This Special Collection does not happen annually and may not occur in all parishes.